Some Interesting And Amazing Facts You Don’t Know!

The inside of the vagina and the inside of a cheek is made of the same tissue. There are more hydrogen atoms in a teaspoon of water than there are teaspoons of water in the sea. A blue whale’s fart bubble is large enough to hold a horse. From when it was discovered to whenContinue reading “Some Interesting And Amazing Facts You Don’t Know!”

11 Double Standards In Society That No One Seems To Talk About

A double standard is not just a term. It is the injustice, discrimination, and pain that our society brings to people. Unfortunately, prejudice is common in our daily lives and it affects us terribly. But at Seif’s Blog, I believe that people can make a difference. And looking at the horrible truth can be a goodContinue reading “11 Double Standards In Society That No One Seems To Talk About”

What Are The Ten Truths Everyone Should Accept In Life?

Nobody is really thinking about you. If they are thinking about you, they will forget you ever existed after they get busy with their lives again. Life is meaningless by default. You should make it meaningful. This is absolutely your own duty. Nothing just falls into your lap. Nothing moves without you moving it. YouContinue reading “What Are The Ten Truths Everyone Should Accept In Life?”

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