Some Interesting And Amazing Facts You Don’t Know!

The inside of the vagina and the inside of a cheek is made of the same tissue. There are more hydrogen atoms in a teaspoon of water than there are teaspoons of water in the sea. A blue whale’s fart bubble is large enough to hold a horse. From when it was discovered to whenContinue reading “Some Interesting And Amazing Facts You Don’t Know!”

Trivial Knowledge That Might Save Your Life One Day

Removing objects from stab wounds will increase the blood loss and thus it will increase the chance of that person dying. Leave that object be. Don’t try to remove it. CO poisoning: Never sleep in a confined place (place without ventilation) with the heating systems, stove, anything that uses combustion fumes emits Carbon Monoxide which is poisonousContinue reading “Trivial Knowledge That Might Save Your Life One Day”

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